Meth Decontamination & Cleaning Services In Perth, Western Australia

Perth Meth Lab Cleaning
Meth labs can be discovered anyplace in Perth including provincial, city, and rural homes; stables, carports, and different sheds; private alcoves of organizations; condos; Airbnb; Hotel and hotel rooms; storage spaces; empty structures; boats; and vehicles. Numerous individuals in Perth might be uninformed that they’re living with a meth lab.
Property owners are responsible to ensure the proper cleanup and testing of an illegal meth manufacturing site. Owners should be aware that building materials and furniture may absorb contaminants and, in some cases, give off fumes. Decon Solutions Australia provides number one meth cleaning and decontamination services in Perth.
Property units that share a common ventilation system, common area, or a common wall are the most likely to have been contaminated as well. Decon Solutions provides a comprehensive cleaning package in Perth so that each and every area of Meth contaminated property would be cleaned and decontaminated. After cleanup, a detailed report from an independent lab will also be provided to the property owners.

Do you need a meth remediation expert in Perth?
We provide meth decontamination services in Perth with guaranteed results and quickly certifies meth-affected properties for reoccupation.
Removal of Meth Contamination
Department of Health WA guidance on proper remediation of contamination from methylamphetamine or other illicit drugs can be found at this link.
Current reporting
Most meth contamination situations involve a complaint regarding use, where home owners/ property managers / agents suspect meth use, rather than a formal WA Police Force notification of a detected clandestine laboratory.
Our current (and future) remediation guidance allows for simpler and less expensive remediation procedures for a smoke house, while still being protective of the public. Soon, a research report will be added to the main landing page, regarding the levels of residues associated with low-level exposure.
This is the emphasis for consolidation of guidance documents.